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Youngmin Park (UF Mathematics)

423 Little Hall

High-Order Accuracy Computation of Coupling Functions for Strongly Coupled Oscillators We develop a general framework for identifying phase reduced equations for finite populations of coupled oscillators that is valid far beyond the weak coupling approximation. This strategy represents a general extension of the theory from and yields coupling functions that are valid to higher-order accuracy

Ulam Colloquium: Stéphanie Portet (University of Manitoba, Mathematics)

101 Little Hall

Modelling intermediate filaments – from filament elongation to network organization Intermediate filaments (IFs) constitute a crucial component of the cytoskeleton, playing vital roles in maintaining cell shape, mechanical integrity, and providing support for cell migration and signalling. Unlike microtubules and actin filaments, intermediate filaments form a diverse family of proteins, including keratins, vimentin, desmin, and

Helen Moore (UF Laboratory for Systems Medicine)

423 Little Hall

Mathematical Optimization of Drug Regimens Improvements in drug regimens can make a difference in both clinical trial success and patient outcomes. Optimal control can be used to mathematically optimize regimens, which can then be tested experimentally and clinically. I will show examples of optimization of regimens for math models of various diseases, and discuss some

Ashley Bonner (UF Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment)

423 Little Hall

Simplifying Soil Organic Carbon Model Structures with First-Order Linear Decay: When, How, and Why? Soil organic matter is the largest terrestrial pool of carbon on Earth, containing more carbon than terrestrial vegetation and more carbon than even the atmosphere. Most Earth System Models (ESMs), designed to integrate and examine how the interdependent systems of the