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Mingtao Xia (New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

423 Little Hall

Reconstruction of stochastic differential equations characterizing noisy single-cell molecular dynamics In the talk, I shall introduce our recent work on developing machine-learning-based methods for reconstructing noisy single-cell molecular dynamics as stochastic differential equations, which aims to quantify intrinsic fluctuations in the stochastic process characterizing cellular dynamics. I will then discuss how to apply my methods

Math Dept Colloquium: Zhaosheng Feng (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences)

339 Little Hall (The Atrium)

Parabolic System of Aggregation Formation in Bacterial Colonies The goal of this talk is to study a fourth-order nonlinear parabolic system with dispersion for describing bacterial aggregation. Analytical solution of traveling wave is found by taking into account the dispersion coefficient. Numerically, we demonstrate that the initial concentration of bacteria in the form of a

Ugur Abdulla (OIST, Analysis and Partial Differential Equations Unit)

LIT 368

Cancer Detection via Electrical Impedance Tomography and Optimal Control of Elliptic PDEs A new mathematical framework utilizing the theory of Partial Differential Equations(PDE), inverse problems and optimal control of systems with distributed parameters for the detection of the cancerous tumor growth in the human body is developed. The Inverse Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) problem on

Sergei Pilyugin (University of Florida Department of Mathematics)

423 Little Hall

Continuous culture models of microbial kinetics In this talk, I will start with a bit of history of mathematical models of microbial kinetics in both batch and continuous cultures, briefly discuss the principle of competitive exclusion, and then concentrate on the models that incorporate the bacterial aggregation in various forms such as the flocculation and

Rachel Nicks (University of Nottingham School of Mathematical Sciences)

Zoom To obtain the Zoom link, please contact Youngmin Park at

Insights into oscillatory neural dynamics using a phase-amplitude framework Model reduction techniques can provide useful insight into the dynamics behaviour of high dimensional oscillatory systems such as networks of neurons or neural field models. However, the utility of the classical technique of phase reduction is limited by the assumption that the local dynamics for each

Hayriye Gulbudak (University of Louisiana at Lafayette Department of Mathematics)

423 Little Hall

Bistability between acute and chronic states in a Model of Hepatitis B Virus Dynamics Understanding the mechanisms responsible for different clinical outcomes following hepatitis B infection requires a systems investigation of dynamical interactions between the virus and the immune system. To help elucidate mechanisms of protection and those responsible from transition from acute to chronic