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Jo Ann Lee (UF Mathematics)

368 Little Hall

Asymptomatic spread of Huanglongbing and Implications for Disease Control Huanglongbing (HLB, citrus greening) is a vector-transmitted disease that has nearly destroyed the citrus industry in Florida and is threatening other citrus-producing states. Recent research has shown that young flush shoots (newly emerging leaves) become infectious in a short amount of time after initial infection. In

Math Dept Colloquium: Sarah Day (College of William and Mary, Mathematics)

339 Little Hall (The Atrium)

Tools from Computational Topology, with applications in medicine and the life science The field of topology, and in particular computational topology, has produced a powerful set of tools for studying both model systems and data measured directly from physical systems.  I will focus on three classes of topological tools:  computational homology, topological persistence, and Conley

Anne Catlla (Wofford College, Mathematics)

368 Little Hall

Coupled systems: neural-glial networks and layered reaction-diffusion systems Most of us are familiar with the fact that our brain contains a network of neurons. Perhaps less well known are the cells in the brain known as glial cells or, more specifically, astrocytes.  Neurons and astrocytes are chemically linked, resulting in a neural-glial network, just one

ISE Seminar: Kevin Leder (University of Minnesota, Industrial and Systems Engineering)

273 Weil Hall

Optimization of Radiation Schedules for Proneural Gliomas via Mathematical Modeling Gliomas are the most common and malignant primary tumors of the brain and are commonly treated with radiation therapy. Despite modest advances in chemotherapy and radiation, survival has changed very little over the last 50 years. Radiation therapy is one of the pillars of adjuvant

ISE Seminar: Jasmine Foo (University of Minnesota, Mathematics)

279 Weil Hall

A Mathematical Model of Field Cancerization I will be talking about some recent/ongoing work on a mathematical model of the ‘cancer field effect.’ This term refers to the clinical observation that at the time of tumor initiation, there can be multiple premalignant lesions in the surrounding tissue field, and the presence of these premalignant fields

Elizabeth Hamman (UF Biology)

368 Little Hall

Spatial patterns of coral occupants arising from propagule redirection Many habitats are fragmented and consist of patches scattered throughout a landscape.  Within these patches, many organisms are distributed heterogeneously.  Differences in distribution are often attributed to factors that affect the settlement process, such as habitat availability, quality, and the presence of conspecifics.  The addition of