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Samit Bhattacharyya (Shiv Nadar University, India, Mathematics)

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Antibiotic Drug Resistance. Modelling Human Behavioural Interactions and its Socioeconomic Impact Antibiotic drug resistance is a global crisis today. The deleterious impact of this crisis is acting relatively in higher degrees on poor nations compared to developed countries in the world. Low economy, higher healthcare expenses, and lack of awareness accelerate this emergence of resistance

Giulio De Leo (Stanford University, Biology and Woods Institute for the Environment)

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A novel integration of fine scale ecological data, high-resolution precision mapping, and epidemiological models to improve control of schistosomiasis dynamics Eliminating human parasitic disease often requires interrupting complex transmission pathways. Even when drugs to treat people are available, disease control can be difficult if the parasite can persist in nonhuman hosts. In my talk, I

Suzanne Lenhart (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Mathematics)

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Optimal control for management of aquatic population models Optimal control techniques of ordinary and partial differential equations will be introduced to consider management strategies for aquatic populations. In the first example, managing invasive species in rivers can be assisted by adjustment of flow rates. Control of a flow rate in a partial differential equation model

Nakul Chitnis (Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute)

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Mathematical modelling of the transmission dynamics of opisthrochiasis The trematode liver fluke (flat worm), Opisthorchis viverrini, is prevalent in southeast Asia, causing the chronic hepatobiliary disease, opisthorchiasis. Long term infection can lead to the bile duct cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, which is typically fatal. We develop an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model of the transmission dynamics of

Hannah Anderson (UF Mathematics)

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The effect of myeloid-derived suppressor cells on glioblastoma-immune dynamics Despite improvements in cancer therapies, the current standard of care for glioblastoma (GBM) only confers a 5.1% five-year survival rate. A major reason for this poor prognosis is the brain cancer’s highly complex and immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, thus pointing researchers to novel immunotherapies. This talk seeks

Yang Yang (UF Biostatistics)


Statistical Adjustment for Reporting Bias in Surveillance Data of Infectious Diseases Reporting bias is common in the surveillance of infectious diseases and takes different forms. A typical example is that outbreaks are investigated only if the number of cases exceeds a prespecified threshold. Another example is that most outbreak investigations only survey cases, ignoring individuals

Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology 4th Annual Symposium


Join us for a lively exploration of the math-bio interface The Symposium will host daily panel discussion about important issues in math-bio research and traineeship. How can we productively embed ourselves in a second discipline? What paths have led to successful math-bio careers in academia? In industry? Support the next generation of math-bio researchers Following

Hayriye Gulbudak (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Mathematics)


Modeling across-scale feedbacks of infectious diseases A current challenge for disease modeling and public health is to understand pathogen dynamics across infection scales from within-host to between-host. Viral and immune response kinetics upon infection impact transmission to other hosts and feedback into population-wide immunity, all of which influence the severity, trajectory, and evolution of a

Hemaho B. Taboe (University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, Biostatistics)


Quantifying the effects of vaccines and a booster vaccine dose on the dynamics of COVID-19 in the United States The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have a devastating impact on health systems and economies across the globe, with the USA among the worse impacted nations. Implementing public health measures in tandem with effective

Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem (Lehigh University, Mathematics)


Using Mathematics to Unravel Mosquito Behavioral Dynamics that Capacitates Malaria Parasite Success in a Human-Mosquito Built Environment Many bottlenecks can hamper a successful malaria parasite transmission from one human to another. For example, a successful transmission of the parasite from humans to mosquitoes and back to humans requires that a susceptible feeding female mosquito successfully