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Jeremy Harris (Georgia Institute of Technology, Biological Sciences)


Asymptomatic transmission in COVID-19 dynamics Asymptomatic transmission has been critical to the spread of COVID-19, making the disease more difficult to control. However, the bulk of prior work assumes that asymptomatic transmission is fixed over time. Here we explore the coupling between asymptomatic incidence (at the level of individuals) with asymptomatic relevance (at the scale

Jay Pina (York University, Physics and Astronomy)


Visual models: A look at different approaches to understanding the mammalian visual system The mammalian visual system is a large, complex network of neurons composed of a number of spatially separated areas, each of which is highly recurrently connected, coupled together with feedforward and feedback connections. Here, we describe two different approaches that may provide

Gabriela Hamerlinck (UF Geography)


Being the biologist in a world of mathematicians: Lessons learned from a decade in quant bio Communication and collaboration between the mathematical and biological sciences is paramount to the success of many interdisciplinary projects. While working in quantitative biology education, Dr. Gabriela Hamerlinck began a collaboration with a group of mathematicians to explore African Swine

Nicholas Kortessis (UF Biology)


Understanding the effects of habitat loss on population persistence Habitat loss is the dominant threat to biodiversity worldwide. Habitat loss comes in the form of land conversion, where suitable habitat is changed into unsuitable space for vital life functions. The resulting landscape is a patchwork of disjoint habitat patches, varying in quality and connectedness with

Jason Flynn (UF Mathematics)


To reset, or not to reset, that is the question The first passage statistics of stochastic processes play an important role in understanding the behavior of some useful models in physical chemistry, biology, finance, computer science and other fields. Allowing the underlying stochastic process to restart or reset to its initial condition at certain intervals

Henrique de Assis Lopes Ribeiro (UF Laboratory for Systems Medicine)


Agent-Based Modeling of Aspergillus fumigatus: parametrization and predictions Fungal infections of the respiratory system are life-threatening complications for immunocompromised patients. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, caused by the airborne mold Aspergillus fumigatus, has a mortality rate of up to 50% in this patient population. The lack of neutrophils, a common immunodeficiency caused by, e.g., chemotherapy, disables a

Boya Yang (UF Mathematics)

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A unified mathematical model of thyroid hormone regulation and implication for personalized treatment of thyroid disorders Current clinician practice for thyroid hormone regulation of patients is based upon guesswork and experience rather than quantified analysis, which exposes patients under longer risk and discomfort. To quantitatively analyze the thyroid regulation for patients of di erent thyroid

Tharusha Bandara (UF Mathematics)

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Mathematical Model on Effects of Body Protein Level on HIV Infected Humans HIV continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed millions of lives in the last few decades. HIV targets the immune system and weakens people's defense against many infections and some types of cancer that people with healthy immune systems

Shasha Gao (UF Mathematics)

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A two-sex model of human papillomavirus infection: Vaccination strategies and a case study Vaccination is effective in preventing human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. It remains debatable whether males should be included in a vaccination program and unclear how to allocate the vaccine in genders to achieve the maximum benefits. In this talk, we use a two-sex model

Orou Gaoue (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Zoom To obtain the Zoom link, please contact Youngmin Park at

The ecological consequences of overharvesting forest resources in the tropics Conservation biology, as a mission-oriented and crisis driven discipline, has long been concerned by the causes and socio-ecological consequences of resource overexploitation. Harvesting wild plants for non-timber forest products (NTFP) serves as a valuable source of food and medicine for local communities, and potentially contributes