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Omar Saucedo (UF Mathematics)

368 Little Hall

Calculating Human to Human Avian Influenza R0 via Likelihood and Jacobian Approach The transmission of avian influenza between humans is extremely rare, and it mostly affects individuals who are in contact

Darby Smith (UF Mathematics)

368 Little Hall

Measuring the Electrostatic Drag of Dyaction Dynactin, an activator of dynein, connects intracellular cargo to dynein motors.  Linear stochastic models are developed to describe the interaction of intracellular cargo, an

Evan Milliken (UF Mathematics)

368 Little Hall

Persistence and dynamics in a metapopulation model of infection We consider a metapopulation model of an Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAv) infection on a network of patches connected via diffusion of

Vincent Cannataro (UF Biology)

368 Little Hall

Quantifying the Burden of Somatic Evolution in the Context of Cancer and Aging Somatic tissue evolves over a vertebrate’s lifetime due to the accumulation of mutations in stem cell populations.

Joshua Hiller (UF Mathematics)

368 Little Hall

Cancer Epidemiology and Modeling, Carcinogenesis In this talk we will examine the link between two commonly used functions in cancer epidemiology (the incidence function and the relative risk function) and