Jay Pina (York University, Physics and Astronomy)
ZoomVisual models: A look at different approaches to understanding the mammalian visual system The mammalian visual system is a large, complex network of neurons composed of a number of spatially …
Visual models: A look at different approaches to understanding the mammalian visual system The mammalian visual system is a large, complex network of neurons composed of a number of spatially …
Being the biologist in a world of mathematicians: Lessons learned from a decade in quant bio Communication and collaboration between the mathematical and biological sciences is paramount to the success …
Understanding the effects of habitat loss on population persistence Habitat loss is the dominant threat to biodiversity worldwide. Habitat loss comes in the form of land conversion, where suitable habitat …
To reset, or not to reset, that is the question The first passage statistics of stochastic processes play an important role in understanding the behavior of some useful models in …
Agent-Based Modeling of Aspergillus fumigatus: parametrization and predictions Fungal infections of the respiratory system are life-threatening complications for immunocompromised patients. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, caused by the airborne mold Aspergillus fumigatus, …